Mid-week Message
Greetings during this Christmastide!
“By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high has broken upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” - Luke 1:78-79
These beautiful words are attributed to Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist. Here he is speaking about Jesus and the hope that his birth brings to us all. This pandemic has certainly given us all a deeper understanding of darkness and the shadow of death. It has also given us a deeper understanding of light and the grace of God’s presence with us. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus this year, may we all be more and more aware of the light of Christ within and around us. I invite you to pray this prayer by Donna Frischknecht Jackson, editor of Presbyterians Today, from the Presbyterian Mission Advent Devotional of the PC(USA).
God of Christmas grace, your love is breaking through the dark night of my soul with a divine light that not only illuminates hope in my life, but also chases away my fears and gives me courage once again. I couldn’t have asked for a better gift ever in my life than the gift of Jesus, your Son. May my Christ light that has been rekindled shine brightly now and forever. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Grace and peace, Rev. Sarina