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This Week @Briarwood

Saturday, Nov. 17th - Fall clean-up: Bring your rakes and dust cloths, and come for a morning of fun work as we prepare the church building for winter.

Coats for Kids: This Sunday we will collect donations of coats, boots, mittens, etc. for Riverview Elementary School in Verdun. Please bring your donations in bags. Thank you!

Sunday, Nov. 18th: Two worship services at Briarwood – our traditional service at 10:00 am and contemporary service at 11:30 am, which children’s faith program and nursery space at both. The scriptures are Isaiah 36 & 37 (selected verses); Psalm 145:10-19; Matthew 5:14. Coats for Kids at both services; Fall Study at 11:15 am; Kids’ Worship Club at 1:15 pm.

Christmas Food Baskets: - Offerings for Briarwood Christmas baskets will be accepted until Dec. 2nd. Please mark the amount you wish to contribute in the "special box" on your envelope and add the words "Christmas baskets”.

- If you have space in your home freezer to store one or more turkeys for a couple of weeks, please contact Penny. Purchasing turkeys on special can save us up to $120, enough to fill a basket for a single person.

Here is Stevie’s weekly Children & Youth update.

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