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This Week @Briarwood

Friday, Nov. 9th: Junior Youth (grades 3-6) from 5 – 6 pm at the church.

Sunday, Nov. 11th – Remembrance Sunday:

Two worship services at Briarwood at 10:00 and 11:30 am, with children’s faith program and nursery space at both. The scripture readings are 2 Kings 5:1-19a; Psalm 145:1-9; Luke 4:16-30. Act of Remembrance and Blessing of the Shoe Boxes at both services; Fall Study at 11:15 am; Profession of Faith and Sacraments of Baptism and Communion at the 11:30 service.

Operation Christmas Child: Filled shoe boxes must be brought to the church this Sunday in order to get to their destinations by Christmas. Thank you!

Chez Doris: Donations of winter coats, hats, scarves, boots and socks for women and children can be brought to the church.

Coats for Kids: We are collecting coats, hats, mittens, scarves & boots for the children at Riverview Elementary School. Donations should be brought to the church next Sunday, Nov. 18th.

Here is Stevie’s weekly Children & Youth Update.

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