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This Week @Briarwood

Saturday, Nov. 3rd:

  1. “Treasure Hunt” Fall Festival: 9 am - noon at the church. Activities for the whole family!

  2. Ladies’ Breakfast: 9 am at Allô Mon Coco, 16944 TransCanada Hwy, Kirkland (south service road, east of St. Charles). Friends are welcome!

  3. District meeting: 1:30 pm at Briarwood, with elders Leo Bissonnette, Moira Robson & Debbie Williams. If you were unable to attend your own elder’s district meeting, you are most welcome at this one.

  4. Daylight Saving Time ends: Don’t forget to turn your clocks back this weekend.

Sunday, Nov. 4th - All Saints’ Sunday: Two worship services at Briarwood, at 10:00 and 11:30 am, with children’s faith program and nursery space. The scripture readings are 1 Kings 3:4-28; Psalm 111; Matthew 6:9-10, 19-20. Fall Study with Rev. Dr. Harry Kuntz, at 11:15 am in the East room, studying the book of Job. Potluck Lunch after the 11:30 service, followed by the Kids’ Worship Club with Stevie. First-Sunday-of-the-month muffin collection for Chez Doris.

Chez Doris: Donations of winter coats, hats, scarves and especially boots and socks for women and children can be brought to the church.

Operation Christmas Child: Filled shoe boxes must be brought to the church by next Sunday, Nov. 11th in order to get to their destinations by Christmas. Thank you!

Coats for Kids: We are collecting coats, hats, mittens, scarves & boots for the children at Riverview Elementary School. Donations should be brought to the church on or before Sunday, Nov. 18th.

Here are Stevie’s weekly Children & Youth Update and a list of suggestions for filling Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes.

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