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This Week @Briarwood

Friday, Oct. 26th: Junior Youth (grades 3-6) from 5-6 pm at the church.

Saturday, Oct. 27th: 1. Games Day: 2-5 pm at the church. Bring your favorite board game, and a snack to share!

2. District meeting: 2 pm at the home of Jim & Rosemary Murray, with elders Jim Murray, Charlene Hopper & Sharon Williams.

Sunday, Oct. 28th: Two worship services at Briarwood, at 10:00 and 11:30 am, with children’s faith program and nursery space. The scripture readings are 2 Samuel 11:1-5 & 26-27; 2 Samuel 12:1-9; Psalm 51:1-9; Matthew 21:33-41. Rev. Dr. Harry Kuntz will begin a 5-week Fall study series on the Book of Job, at 11:15 am in the East room. The Youth Confirmation class will meet with Rev. Sarina after the 11:30 service.

Coats for Kids: We are collecting coats, hats, mittens, scarves & boots for the children at Riverview Elementary School. Donations should be brought to the church on or before Sunday, Nov. 18th.

Coats for International Students: McGill has changed their winter coat program to a 1-day delivery and the deadline is past, so we will continue to collect winter clothing for Chez Doris. Donations of winter coats, hats, scarves, boots and socks for women and children can be brought to the church.

Here is Stevie’s weekly Children & Youth Update.

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