This Week @Briarwood
Decorating for Thanksgiving: This Sunday the sanctuary will be decorated with fruits and vegetables. If you would like to contribute produce, it may be brought to the church today or tomorrow (Thursday or Friday) from 9 am - 1:30 pm, or Saturday, Oct. 6th from 2 - 4 pm. After Sunday’s services, the produce will be delivered to Chez Doris.
Sunday, Oct. 7th - World Communion and Thanksgiving Sunday: Two worship services at Briarwood – our traditional service at 10 am and contemporary service at 11:30 am, with Kids’ Faith Program and nursery space at both. The scripture readings are Exodus 19:1-7 & 20:1-17; Psalm 19 and Matthew 5:17. Sacrament of Communion at both services. The Kids' Worship Club will meet with Stevie from 1:30 - 2:30 pm (bring a lunch).
Here is Stevie’s weekly Children & Youth Update.