This Week @Briarwood
Sunday, July 1st – Canada Day – Vacation Bible Camp Sunday: Two worship services at Briarwood – our traditional service at 10:00 am and contemporary service at 11:30 am. There is no Kids’ Faith Program during July. Worship Bags are available to keep children busy during each service. The scriptures are Acts 3: 1-26, Psalm 46 and Luke 15:1-10. Rev. Sarina will lead the services, and Stevie will give the message – Good News @VBC. If the heat is as high as expected, the 10:00 service will take place in the air-conditioned narthex.
Stewardship: Through June 30, offerings are $83,121 against a budget of $81,786 for an improvement of $1,335. Thank you.
Here is Stevie’s weekly Children & Youth Update.