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This Week @Briarwood

Friday, May 11th: Junior Youth Group (grades 3-6) from 5 – 6 pm at the church.

Saturday, May 12th: Spring clean-up from 9am until noon. Bring your rakes, and cloths for washing windows, and come for a morning of fun work.

Sunday, May 13th - Christian Family Sunday:

Two worship services at Briarwood – our traditional service at 10 am and contemporary service at 11:30 am, with children’s faith program and nursery space at both. Rev. Sarina is away, and we welcome Rev. Dr. Roland De Vries to the pulpit. The scriptures are Isaiah 25:6-9, Psalm 1 and 1 Corinthians 15:12-28 – “Most to be Pitied”. Sacrament of Communion at the 11:30 service.

Plant sale: Looking for 6" or 8" flower pots to fill with our perennials for the plant sale. If you have pots to contribute (even if you have only one), please bring them to church this Sunday and leave them inside the East back door near the furnace room. Penny G. will pick them up and distribute them to those who have plants but not pots. Thank you!

Here is Stevie’s weekly Children & Youth update.

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