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This Week @Briarwood

Friday, May 4th & Saturday, May 5th:

Spectrum Voices “Tones of Love” concert at 8 pm at Briarwood.

Saturday, May 5th:

Info session on Sexuality from 9:30am – noon. Child care provided.

Ascension Sunday, May 6th:

One blended service at 10:30 am at Briarwood, with children’s faith program and nursery space. The scriptures are John 15:9-17, Psalm 47 and Ephesians 1:15-23 – “God’s Power is Love”. After the service, all are invited to stay for a potluck lunch, and our Vacation Bible Camp volunteers’ fair. Afterwards, Stevie will meet with the Kids’ Worship Club, and Nancy Goodfellow will lead the Emotionally Healthy Relationships class.

Stewardship update: Through April 30th, offerings were $57,581 compared to the budget of $55,395 for an improvement of $2,186. Thank you!

Plant sale: Looking for 6" or 8" flower pots to fill with our perennials for the plant sale. If you have any pots in the above sizes to contribute (even if you have only one), please bring them to church on Sunday, May 6th or 13th and leave them inside the East back door, near the furnace room. Penny G. will pick them up and distribute them to those who have plants but not pots. Thank you!

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