This Week @Briarwood
Saturday, June 3rd: Ladies’ breakfast at 9 am at Arcade Basile in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue (inside or outside, depending on the weather). Bring a friend! You can browse the farmers’ market afterwards.
Sunday, June 4th - Pentecost:
One blended worship service at Briarwood at 10:30 am, with ordination of elders. The Kids’ Worship Club will lead us in some worship songs. The scriptures are Numbers 11:24-30; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Acts 2:1-21 – Empowered by the Spirit.
After the service, we will have our annual congregational picnic with games and races for all ages and prizes galore! Please bring a plate of sandwiches, a side-dish or a dessert. We will also have our 2nd annual Cookie Baking Contest! Bakers are asked to make one dozen cookies for sampling by our discerning taste-testers (these should be delivered to the CYD office on Sunday to avoid confusion with the picnic desserts.)