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This Week @Briarwood

Youth Group: Friday, Mar. 31st at 7pm at Briarwood. This week: working on our new Youth Group Code of Conduct and Mission Statement. Bring your ideas and $5 for pizza. Here is Stevie’s weekly Youth Update.

Ladies’ Breakfast: Saturday, Apr. 1st at 9 am at Le Manoir (corner St. Jean & Hymus).

Sunday, Apr. 2nd – 5th Sunday in Lent:

Two worship services at Briarwood at 10:00 and 11:30 am, with kids’ faith program and nursery space at both. Rev. Sarina will conclude her series of sermons on fasting. The scriptures are Deuteronomy 8:1-18, Psalm 84 and Matthew 5:1-16 – Fast from a meal or type of food.

During fellowship hour (11:00-11:30 am), Virginia will be folding palm crosses in the narthex – anyone who would like to learn how is welcome to join her!

At 11:15 am, our 5-week Lenten Study series concludes in the East room, led by The Rev. Dr. Harry Kuntz.

After the 11:30 service, all are invited to our monthly potluck meal.

After lunch, Stevie will lead the Kids’ Worship Club.

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