This Week @Briarwood
Ash Wednesday service: Wednesday, Mar. 1st at 7:00 pm at the church. The scriptures are Genesis 3:19, Psalm 32 and James 4:13-17 – The Meaning of Ash Wednesday.
World Day of Prayer: Friday, Mar. 3rd at 1:30 pm at Christ Church Beaurepaire, 455 Church St., Beaconsfield. All are welcome!
Youth Group: Friday, Mar. 3rd at 7:00 pm at the church. This week: Nooma debut. Stevie’s weekly update is attached.
Ladies’ Breakfast: Saturday, Mar. 4th at 9:00 am at Ben & Florentine, 3555 St. Charles Blvd.
Sunday, Mar. 5th - 1st Sunday in Lent:
Briarwood has two worship services - 10:00 and 11:30 am - with kids’ faith program and nursery space at both. Rev. Sarina will begin a series of sermons on fasting. The scriptures are Joel 2:12-17, Psalm 66 and Matthew 16:13-28 – Introduction to Fasting: Jesus as Model. At 11:15 am Rev. Dr. Harry Kuntz will begin a 5-week Lenten Study series in the East room. After the 11:30 service, all are invited to our monthly potluck meal, followed by the Kids' Worship Club.
March Break Camp registration is ongoing. Please speak to Stevie for more information.