This Week @Briarwood
Reign of Christ Sunday, Nov. 20th: Two worship services at Briarwood - traditional service at 10:00 am, and contemporary service at 11:30 am, with children's faith programmes and nursery space at both. We welcome Rev. Dr. Victor Gavino to the pulpit. The scriptures are Isaiah 43: 1-7 , Psalm 91; Matthew 14: 22-33 – “Why Be Afraid?”. This Sunday is Coats for Kids Sunday, when your donations of lightly used winter coats, boots, mittens, etc. will be collected at both services. These will be donated to Riverview Elementary School and to McGill’s international students, so all sizes are needed.
Christmas Baskets: Briarwood will be distributing Christmas baskets again this year, and we are requesting donations between now and Dec. 4th. Our target is $2,000.
Youth Group: Friday, Nov. 18th at 7 pm at the church. This week: “Word”.