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Ministries at Briarwood

Our ministries are designed to provide a learning environment where the congregation is introduced to biblical knowledge and invited to grow in their faith, deepening their personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. 


Children and Youth: for details see Children and Youth


Bible Study and Prayer: A Bible study group meets Tuesday afternoon in the church. There is also a Wednesday morning prayer group that meets over Zoom. 


Fellowship: There is a women's lunch once a month, and a men’s group that meets for lunch on a regular basis. 

Prayer Chain: Members meet monthly and pray daily for those in need in and around our church community. 

Pastoral Care: The Pastoral Care Team provides, meals, drives and keeps in touch with people who are ill or grieving. 

Family Fellowship: Throughout the year special events are hosted to promote fun and fellowship amongst members of our church family.

Book Club: People who enjoy reading have formed a book club, which meets eight times a year. 

Outreach: Briarwood’s outreach programs include being a strong supporter of Presbyterians Sharing and Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D), as well as urgent appeals worldwide. Briarwood has also provided support for NOVA West Island, Helping Hands, Action Réfugiés, sponsoring youth trips overseas, crisis funding, Christmas food baskets, winter coats for kids, and driving those in need to the hospital, or to church. As well, Briarwood donates non-perishable food to On Rock Community Services. Their focus and mission is to help those in our community who are struggling with food insecurity; they serve over 300 families in the West Island.

Ride for Refuge: The annual Ride for Refuge - bicycle or walking - is coming this fall on Saturday, October 5th. Briarwood will host a team again this year in support of Action Réfugiés Montréal. To participate or donate, please contact the church office.

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